rolls of fabric

Why is humidity important for textile industries?

Textile is a natural hygroscopic material, so any dry air will cause the following problems:

  • Textile will lose weight causing direct loss.
  • Reduced yarn strength and elasticity that will result in lower quality.
  • Increased static build up causing machine jams or even accidents.
  • Reduced weaving efficiency, caused by yarn breakages and weaver’s knots.
  • Increased dust, flies and lint in the environment causing poor air quality thus reducing productivity.

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Recommended humidity level for your textile manufacturing facility

The recommended humidity level for Textile facility is 50 to 60% RH.

(Reference: ASHRAE Handbooks)


How can you bring humidity to your textile manufacturing facility?

Due to excess heat caused by machinery, adiabatic humidification is the preferred type.

Selection of the proper humidification solution should be based on the following:

  • What is the required maximum humidification capacity (load) required?
  • What sources of energy are available on site?
  • How is the ventilation system installed and how is the air distributed?
  • Which humidification system will require the least amount of energy – calculated for the overall HVAC system?

AEM evaporative humidifier and cooler from steamOvap is an efficient solution to raised humidity level in textile facility.

ACA compressed air & water is another good choice for textile facility since nozzles can be installed closed to the weaving machines raising humidity level locally where it is critical for the process.

Contact us to locate our local steamOvap representative.